Saturday, February 20, 2010

So second semester grad school, in a new town. It's a bittersweet feeling. DC isn't as pretty as Bologna. But I was numbed to Bologna's beauty anyway. It's a new place, and I have love-hate relationship with new places. There is something about breathing in the air of a new town that excites me, and to be fair, DC deserves some credit for being an interesting place. It's really diverse. I feel like the only non-black person living on my block (or you can say, it's just a shitty choice of neighborhood. Whatever. I love it).

But... there's one thing that I desperately need from this new place. There are lots of restaurants to be discovered. Problem: no one to dine with!!! Er, restaurants should think about selling dining partners.

Yesterday (or was it yesterday?) I had takeout curry from this Indian place, brought it to school, and ate in the cafeteria, with the realisation that cafeteria anxieties aren't helped by age. I'm usually good at doing things solo. Eating alone doesn't really bother me, except when it happens in the setting of a school cafeteria! It is even worse when there are people you are acquainted with but not yet friends with around. So I maintained some level of comfort eating alone, but when this girl from my French class sat at the table next to mine with her study group, comfort at any level was nowhere to be found anymore. I literally couldn't really taste my food, and considering how excited I was for my lunch (I am truly excited for every meal), it was only tragic.

Ah, it will get better, or so I hope. Dining buddies desperately desperately needed!

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